Screen shots of Operating System
1.1Window XP
Windows XP The Windows eXPerience operating system is available as home and professional edition and are similar suitable for the use on standalone computers. The home edition is suitable for user which worked with Windows 9x/ME till now and don't need special network or security features in theire environment. If the user have used Windows NT/2000 private, in business or both, the Professional Edition is not only with a view of the administration optimally. Microsoft already
RC1 2505 - Programs can specifically
RC1 2505 - Programs can specifically
be executed by another user
encloses 10,000 drivers on the installation media
of Windows XP, about the Windows update further more 2,000 drivers are available.
1.2 Window Vista
Windows Vista Microsoft published the new product name Vista for this new Windows Version on an event in the USA/Atlanta on 21-07-2005. This Windows Version was known under the development name Longhorn before. The installation of Vista is based on WIM (Windows Imaging format), a file-based Image Format. It compresses the contained files and can be used for the installation on several platforms from the same Image. The image
Beta 2 - Windows start menu
and version informationson
the DVD contains a pre-installation of the system directories of Windows in the Windows Imaging (.WIM) file and adapts to the hardware configuration.
Microsoft released this new Windows version 5.0, Build 2195 in February 2000. It is the desktop operating system of the new Windows 2000 platform for x86 architecture and be completed by the versions Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. As a minimum requierement for the installation a Pentium processor, 32 mbyte main memory and 650 mbyte of free hard disk storage are needed. Microsoft had planned to develop also a operating system version for the Alpha architecture, the plans were stopped after an announcement of Compaq. Compaq restricted the support to Windows NT 4.0 with service pack 6 and not higher at 1999-08-25. Microsoft stopped the development plans for the Windows 2000 32- bit of Alpha version after that.
1.4 Linux
Red Flag Linux R
ed Flag Software Co., Ltd. was founded of the software research institute "Chinese Academy of Sciences" and NewMargin venture capital in June 2000. Red Flag Software maintains business relations with IBM, Intel, HP, Oracle and other companys. Red Flag aimed at the implementation of buildings for training, technological support and point of sales in China and later worldwide. In several server variants they exists currently the Function Server, Database Server, Cluster Server and Webmail Server in version 3.0.
Red Flag Linux R

DOS and Windows
Most DOS fdisk programs, including the fdisk program that came with the original Windows 95, are only capable of creating FAT partitions of types FAT12 and FAT16.
A derivative of the MS-DOS fdisk was provided with Windows 95, Windows 98, and later Windows Me. Only those fdisk versions shipping with Windows 95B or later are able to manipulate FAT32 partitions. Windows 2000 and later do not use fdisk, they have the Logical Disk Manager feature, as well as DiskPart.
Unlike the fdisk programs for other operating systems, the fdisk programs for DOS and Windows 9x/Me not only alter data in the partition table, but will also overwrite many sectors of data in the partition itself. Users must be sure the correct disk/partition has been chosen before using a DOS/Windows fdisk for partitioning.
The implementation of fdisk in FreeDOS has many advanced features and is free software.
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